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 1:1 Confidant(e) Care

A Confidant(e) is  a friend you can confide in, someone you trust with your private thoughts, and who you're sure can keep a secret. If your trusted friend is male, you call him your Confidant and a female is Confidante.



A Confidant(e) is available as needed via online, by telephone, in-person and through social media tools (Snapchat, Twitter & Facebook).  Your 1:1 relationship is built on trust and a mutual respect.  Your Confidant(e) will always be a leader in the community, value the principles of the program and will have similar life experiences as their petal.  Rosemary's Babies believes our best Confidant(e)'s are those that have also blossomed through concrete.


Interested in becoming a Confidante? Click for description or email us.





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Rosemary's Babies Company Logo are registered trademarks of Rosemary's Babies Co., OH.  Copyright & Trademark Statement

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